Our 7 x 12 Reverse USA Flag Magnet is the best way to display an American flag magnet on both sides of your vehicle. These magnets are proudly made into he USA and are a great way to respectfully and correctly show your patriotism. Place one of our standard 7x12 USA Flag Magnets on the driver's side (Or port / left size of the vehicle) and one of these reverse USA flag magnets on the passenger's side (or starboard / right side of the vehicle).
While a reverse USA flag magnet might look a little strange by itself, they are essential for correctly displaying the flag on a moving vehicle. The general rule is that on a moving vehicle, the field of stars should always be displayed towards the front of the vehicle. That way, when you start to move, it appears as if the flag is blowing in the wind as the vehicle moves. This is because flags are always attached to a flag pole on the blue star field side. If the flag were not reversed in this manner, it appears that the vehicle should be moving backward or retreating.
Our 7 x 12 reverse USA Flag Magnet is our extra large size and is therefore ideal for larger work trucks and equipment. Like all our car magnets, these high quality magnets will cling strongly to any metallic surfaces. In addition, they're all manufactured and printed in the USA, because of all things that you should choose to buy made here, an American flag magnet should be one of them. In addition, we've designed these magnets to last, giving them a coating to withstand UV rays and making them from extra thick magnetic vinyl.
Each of our reverse American flag magnets is made from super-thick .03 millimeter magnetic vinyl. This material is flexible, so that it will cling to the curves in your bumper or hood without loosing contact. In addition, the material has been treated with a UV protection to prevent it fading in the sun. While no magnet will last forever, we've designed these to last a long time. We recommend, both for your car and your magnet, that you take the magnet off and wash it once a week, perhaps when you wash your car, so that the dirt and grime won't build up on the flag. Not only will it keep your magnet in better shape longer, it's good for your car too!
We also offer this same USA magnet in other sizes, allowing you to choose one that fits your vehicle and lifestyle the best. This listing is the largest USA flag magnet that we make. If you would like a smaller size, please see our full selection of magnets and choose the one that best fits you and your situation.
SafetyFlagProducts.com is proud to offer a lifetime structural waranty on all our flag poles and bases.305-253-6777(please note: does not cover flags)